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single-handedly making the world more beautful . . . one finished object at a time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have somewhat recently developed an unhealthy obsession. This obsession is with vintage pyrex. The milk-glass pyrex. My liking turned into an obsession a few months ago when I had found exactly what I was looking for at a second hand store.

Ta da!

An immaculate set of pyrex butterprint refrigerator dishes!!!!  Excluding the missing lid on the largest dish, this set is PERFECT!!  And like I said, exactly what I had been looking for and hoping to find. Never in a million years!  I probably should have also bought a lottery ticket that same day.  I love the colors on these dishes. The small ones work perfectly to thaw out baby food in the fridge. No worries about BPA in these puppies.

I have my favorite second hand store (not naming any names) that I frequently visit. Every single time I go there I come home with a pyrex find. This is incredible because I can go to 10 other stores and never find a single piece. I don't know what it is about this place. I came back with another find today. 

I love this yellow divided dish with lid!!  I have two others, but without lids.  This one is a beauty.  I also snagged the red refrigerator dishes. They are rather beat up, but the price was pretty good so I couldn't resist.

This was actually the first pyrex I came home with. It holds a special place in my heart. I love making macaroni salad in it.

These two little mugs are so precious. They are my first and ONLY pyrex cup finds. The cups seem to be a bit more elusive. I love drinking my coffee out of these, it makes it taste that much better!!  They are so tiny that I need to refill a couple times :)

Another little bowl find (plus a glass pyrex bowl find). I love to eat my popcorn out of this little guy!

And last but not least my two little lid-less divided dishes. I hope to someday find lids for these guys.

That's my collection so far, not very impressive but its a start. Making, serving food and eating from these vintage pyrex dishes makes the food taste that much better! The 'hunt' is on for more.

love my camio

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