/*Google stuff*/
single-handedly making the world more beautful . . . one finished object at a time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

project numero uno

I found my first project . . . or rather . . . it found ME.

My closet is a disaster zone. I'm talking ground zero! It's so bad that I dropped a box of hats and scarves all over the floor and have yet to pick it all up. I just crawl over it to get to my drawers which are chock full of clothes that fit and even more clothes that don't fit. I am at the point where I need to pack away the maternity clothes, but have nowhere to store them. I came across a storage box sitting on my closet shelf. It contains two Ikea 20x20 pillow inserts that I bought about 3 years ago. I had intentions of making covers for them, but never got around to it.

Voila!  A two-fer!

Not only do I get to start on my first project, but I also get to clean up my closet!  It can't be any better than this :P Oh yes it can, my guy can clean up the closet leaving me time to work on my project. Makes sense as half of it is his. That will never happen, plus I'd never find my clothes.

Digging through my scraps of fabric I chose a brown faux silky fabric and a textured light pink fabric to match the colors in my living room (where the finished pillows will chill).  The brown fabric was purchased from a remnant bin at Jo-Anns and the pink fabric is from Goodwill. That's right, stinky ass old fabric from the thrift store. Actually it's not stinky. It was just a curtain in its previous life, not underwear or anything gross. Therefore I am officially up-cycling it!

love my camio

dressmaking 101

I have my eye on this free ribbon wrap dress pattern from Stitch magazine.

It may be a good first attempt at sewing my own clothes.  Plus I have 4 weddings to attend this year so I could set a goal to sew this in time for at least one of them. Otherwise when would I ever wear a dress!?!?  This is actually a wrap, but with the right fabric it could be a simple, elegant dress. I like the fact that it's a wrap since I'm still breastfeeding . . . easy access!

This may be too lofty of a project to start as #1, but I'll keep it around for the near future.

love my camio

my camio is born

I have been wanting to 'make' with my hands for some time now. As a child I had fun spending hours upon end making things (some of them ugly no doubt). Upon starting college all of that pretty much ceased due to a hectic schedule. After college my need to 'make' was satisfied with our first house and each one after that. Remodeling, tiling, painting, plastering, decorating, and such has been my biggest hobby for the past 8 or so years.

I have been knitting off and on for several years now, and recently taught myself how to crochet (my first project was a cowl for my husband which ended up being too large!) What I would really like to get back into is sewing. I've never been GREAT at sewing. I always hated following patterns and liked to 'create as I go'. This was fun as a child, but is limiting as an adult. Learning proper techniques is important to grow as a 'creator'.

By starting my camio I am committing to teach myself how to sew. My inspiration is my sweet little 4 month old daughter and good design.

love my camio